lunes, 16 de julio de 2012


This one is for all you worry warts.
Yeah, some days in paradise can get a little discouraging..
For example= “what am I doing  here?” or maybe “why am I here?!” or my favorite- “What do people think of it or me?”

I had someone i care about tell me the other day that I was brave and independent. Two words that I’m not used to hearing in the description of me.  It felt good to hear, but at first I was unsure about its truth.  I knew coming here was definitely spontaneous. But right then it kind of hit me that spontaneity is just bravery in its funnest form. Aka-- moving to Mexico 11 days after deciding I was moving here. I have settled with a new job, new friends, new city, new culture, new language, new home, and a new me. Well I quit my job , but that’s beside the point.  J Coming here has been the number one learning experience of my life. I’ve been teaching myself through people and experiences—what I have always wanted. Never have I had so much time to reflect on myself. Being here has helped me develop a confidence I never knew was inside me—still working on that though. And yes believe me I have had some very interesting, rewarding and just plain fun days and nights here. This isn’t a life forever for me, but I think it’s already become and extremely important step in my life. Between primary schooling and college it’s given me a chance to grow up a lot and think about what I actually want for my life and future.  I have created a whole new independence and individuality that was never there before.
I have found so many new things to love. Things like sweating from my knees.. LOVE that one.. Or maybe my forearms, that’s normal right? But seriously, the weather here is nothing like I’ve ever seen.  The best part is the thunderstorms. Lighting that illuminates the whole ocean. Thunder that sounds like bombs and shakes your whole house. Sheets of rain that literally cause a strong current of water up to your butt on the streets outside.  Hearing the children speak Spanish and understanding them is another thing I love. Or even better when I talk to them and they understand me. Eating tacos and alitas every day of my life.. forgetting what it’s like to wear jeans, anything with sleeves, or shoes. Picking up a folded shirt from the lavanderia 3 days later and still feeling the warmth from the dryer. Seeing the freckles on my nose every time I look in the mirror. Having Sara do the dishes in the kitchen. Searching the nooks and crannies of my apartment for out pet rat (p.s.- not actually a pet). When there’s a 9 mph breeze as opposed to a 3 mph one. Catching the bus and listening to a man sing and play guitar. Writing raps. Taking a freezing cold shower. Getting a beautiful tattoo on my hand. Hardly straightening my hair. Never putting toilet paper in the toilet…
I promise I could go on. This place and change has let me appreciate the things I have here in Mexico and not at home, and the things I have at home and not in Mexico.  New perspectives.
Puerto Vallarta is such a small place, in people and in size. I need to emphasize, especially now, that I feel so incredibly safe here.
I am going to be here allllll alone (not really) for the next month. Sara will be flying home this Wednesday the 18th of July. I will still be returning on my normal date of August 15th. We’ve had so much fun here—lifetime memories made and a bonding experience that will last FOREVER!

I am looking forward to the next couple of weeks here J  Can’t wait for my best friend and ex roomie JB (obviously Justin Bieber) to get here. Gonna squeeze her so tight!!

Love chatting on skype, facebook, email  or even words with friends if you can! Miss everyone at home so much and would love to hear from you all!

Sarita and Jesus

Conchas Chinas
My new tattoo!!!
Meow meow meow-- loved this little kitty. 

1 comentario:

  1. ahhh nice post miss have a very nice way with words and making your mama feel better love you soooo much xoxoxoxoxoox
